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Tips to keep your health habits on track this holiday season

The holidays are notorious for breaking even the most strict dieter and health food nut. But with a few simple tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, you can conquer, and enjoy the festivities.
Holiday-proof your plan. When you can’t control the food being served at an event, have a plan. Stick to your usual mealtime. Offer to bring a healthy dish. Don’t skip meals before a big feast, because you could end up overeating.
Outsmart the buffet. Only use small plates and start by loading up with vegetables. Also, make sure you move away from the food display so you aren’t tempted to graze.
Fit in favourites. Think about the dishes that only come out once a year, or have a special meaning to you. Make room for those by skipping the items you can have year-round
Keep moving. Don’t ditch your fitness routine. Keeping active will not only help your waistline but your mental health during the crazy rush of the holidays.
Get your sleep. There’s a lot going this time of year, so make sure you get your rest. This will give your metabolism and blood sugar time to reset.
But above all – enjoy the time with your loved ones.

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