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Want naturally long eyelashes? Don’t look beyond these home remedies

Image by Annalise Batista from Pixabay 

Long lashes are the flavour of the season.  lashes protect the eyes from dirt, infections and dust, lashes also enhance the beauty of the face. There are memes out there on people opting for cosmetic procedures like eyelash extensions. But, you do not have to necessarily splurge just because you want to look good. Like everything else, there are several natural home remedies at your disposal, and all you have to do is learn about them. Read on.

CASTOR OIL ricinoleic acid, which is known to help with hair loss, is found abundantly in castor oil. It can also help maintain the thickness of your eyelashes. All you have to do is wash your eyes thoroughly, and then use a cotton swab to gently apply one teaspoon of cold-compressed castor oil on your upper and lower lash lines. Make sure it does not come in contact with the eyes. Leave it on overnight, and then wash it off the next day.

COCONUT OILCoconut oil is the go-to ingredient for hair care. All Indian kitchens and bathrooms have this oil, so it is only natural to utilize it for the health of the eyelashes. Just like castor oil, you will require one teaspoon of cold-pressed coconut oil and cotton swabs. You will have to wash your face and then pat it dry, before dipping the cotton swab in the oil and applying it gently along the eyelash lines. Avoid contact with eyes, leave it on overnight and wash it the next morning.
GREEN TEA green tea has a polyphenol which promotes hair growth. You will need one teaspoon of green tea leaves (or a teabag) and a cup of hot water. Mix the two and leave it for some 10 minutes. Then steep the liquid and drink it. Alternatively, you can also use a cotton swab to gently apply the tea topically on your upper and lower eyelashes. Do this daily for better results.
SHEA BUTTER — rich in vitamin C and high on antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, shea butter has the power to boost collagen. Hence, it may help you keep the thickness of your lashes. All you have to do is take a little bit and rub in on your fingers, and then apply it along the upper and lower eyelash lines. Leave it on overnight.

OLIVE OIL — this oil is used in the preparation of many dishes, so it is likely to be found in every kitchen. It is largely known that olive oil promotes healthy hair growth. For this, you will need three to four drops of olive oil and some cotton swabs. Dab a bit of oil on the cotton and then apply it on the eyelashes. Leave it for 10 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water.

Remember, results can differ from person to person. You might be sensitive to some of these ingredients. As such, it is best to consult with a dermatologist before trying it.


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